Independent advisory firm Snowden Lane Partners has hired four international advisors from Merrill Lynch overseeing a combined $344 million in assets, the firm’s first deal of 2019. Ex-Merrill brokers Owen Parr, Francisco Murillo, Arnaldo Rego and George Arias will all join Snowden Lane’s new office in Coral Gables, Fla., the firm’s 10th location. Parr and… View Article
Snowden Lane Partners, a New York-based wealth advisory firm, expanded into Florida with the opening of a new office in Coral Gables. The firm hired two teams of former Merrill Lynch advisors with a combined $344 million in client assets under management to staff the Coral Gableslocation. Rob Mooney, Snowden Lane‘s managing partner and CEO, said establishing a presence… View Article
Wealth advisory firm Snowden Lane Partners has established its first office in Florida. Located in Coral Gables, the new location is the firm’s tenth office in the US. The firm also has offices in New York, which serves as its base, as well as Pasadena, San Diego, New Haven, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Salisbury, Bethesda, and San… View Article
Snowden Lane Partners, a hybrid RIA headquartered in New York City, has hired two teams of former Merrill Lynch advisors with a combined total of $344 million in client assets under management (AUM) to staff its first Florida office in Coral Gables. Owen Parr and Francisco Murillo will operate as partners and managing directors of… View Article
CORAL GABLES, Fla – June 11, 2019 – Snowden Lane Partners, an independent, advisor-owned, wealth advisory firm dedicated to providing client-focused advice in a values-driven culture, today announced the opening of its newest office in Coral Gables, making it their 10th U.S. location and first in Florida. The firm has recruited several new advisors who’ll… View Article
“미국 웰스매니지먼트(Wealth Management·자산관리) 시장에 지각변동이 일어나고 있습니다. 수년 내로 인공지능(AI), 빅데이터, 머신러닝이 뒷받침된 `로보어드바이저`가 웬만한 자산관리 전문가들을 대체하겠지요. 결국 부유층 위주로 특화된 서비스를 제공하는 자산관리 전문회사만 살아남을 겁니다.” 피터 황은 미국 자산관리 업계에서 몇 안 되는 한국계 고위 인사다. 삼성증권 뉴욕법인장과 뱅크오브아메리카(BoA)메릴린치의 자산관리 부문 부사장을 역임하면서 한껏 주가를 높였던 그는 지난 8월 새 둥지를 틀었다…. View Article
“한국의 내년 국내총생산(GDP) 성장률이 3.2%에 달할 전망이다(세계은행). 철강, 자동차, 건설 등이 안 좋지만, 삼성전자와 하이닉스 등 반도체가 잘하고 있어서다. 하지만 최근 삼성전자의 주가하락에서 보듯 반도체 산업이 꺾이면 한국경제도 어려워질 수 있다.” 피터 황(Peter Hwang) 미 자산관리업체인 스노든레인파트너스 시니어파트너는 28일(현지시간) 미국 뉴욕에서 미한국상공회의소(KOCHAM)와 한국무역협회(KITA) 뉴욕지부가 공동으로 개최한 ‘2017년 미국·세계 경제 및 금융시장 전망’ 세미나에서 한국경제에 대한… View Article
“고객의 자산을 효율적으로 운영해드립니다.” 신생 자산관리 기업 ‘스노우든 레인(SNOWDEN LANE)’에 시니어 파트너 겸 아시아 부문 대표로 합류한 피터 황 자산관리 전문가(사진)의 포부다. 삼성증권 뉴욕법인장과 메릴린치 프라이빗 뱅킹(PB) 부문 부사장을 지낸 그는 이 분야에서는 성공한 한인으로 손꼽힌다. 그런 그가 15년 가량 몸담고 있던 메릴린치를 떠나 2011년 설립된 신생 기업으로 자리를 옮기게 된 이유는 무엇일까. 14일 본지와의… View Article
The Castleberry Advisory Group is the Latest Advisor Team to Join the firm’s San Antonio Office SAN ANTONIO, August 24, 2018 – Snowden Lane Partners, an independent, advisor-owned, wealth advisory firm dedicated to providing client-focused advice in a values-driven culture, today announced that the Castleberry Advisory Group has joined the company in its San… View Article
For some clients, their advisor doubles as a therapist. They grapple with psychological issues about money while gaining financial planning and investment management expertise. In recent years, research in behavioral finance has given advisors a fresh set of tools to help clients wrap their minds around money. By applying the latest findings, advisors enable clients… View Article